I've written several times about the friendships I've forged through this blogosphere I entered almost a year ago. I've been fortunate to actually meet some of these folks in person, others I've chatted with on the phone, and still others I know only through our blogs and comments and perhaps an occasional e-mail. But we're a close group and we cheer each success and cheer each other up when needed.
Patry Francis, one of my new blog buddies, has the paperback version of her debut novel, The Liar's Diary coming out in paperback TODAY.
Under normal circumstances, Patry would be embarking on a book tour and making the rounds meeting readers and selling her book (and, if I know Patry, suggesting the books of many of her writer friends at the same time!). Patry was hit with a serious medical diagnosis last month and has to focus her energies on recovering from surgery, figuring out the follow-up options and getting her strength and her health back. In light of this, over 300 (yup, three hundred, check 'em out here!) bloggers are promoting her book today.
Here's the scoop on the book: When new music teacher Ali Mather enters Jeanne Cross’s quiet suburban life, she brings a jolt of energy that Jeanne never expected. Ali has a magnetic personality and looks to match, drawing attention from all quarters. Nonetheless, Jeanne and Ali develop a friendship based on their mutual vulnerabilities THE LIAR’S DIARY is the story of Ali and Jeanne’s friendship, and the secrets they both keep.
Jeanne’s secrets are kept to herself; like her son’s poor report card and husband’s lack of interest in their marriage. Ali’s secrets are kept in her diary, which holds the key to something dark: her fear that someone has been entering her house when she is not at home. While their secrets bring Jeanne and Ali together, it is this secret that will drive them apart. Jeanne finds herself torn between her family and her dear friend in order to protect the people she loves.
A chilling tour of troubled minds, THE LIAR’S DIARY questions just how far you’ll go for your family and what dark truths you’d be willing to admit—even to yourself.
Patry Francis is a three-time nominee for the Pushcart Prize whose work has appeared in the Tampa Review, Colorado Review, Ontario Review, and the American Poetry Review. You can get to know her better through her blog, Simply Wait.
Praise for THE LIAR’S DIARY:
“Twists and turns but never lets go.”—Jacquelyn Mitchard, bestselling author of The Deep End of the Ocean
“A quirky, well-written and well-constructed mystery with an edge.”—Publishers Weekly
“Outright chilling.”—New York Daily News
“Genuinely creepy…The unlikely friendship between a small-town school secretary and a flamboyant teacher proves deadly in this psychological murder mystery.”—Kirkus Reviews
“A twisting ride full of dangerous curves and jaw-dropping surprises. This is one of my favorite reads of the year!”—Tess Gerristen, bestselling author of The Mephisto Club
“Francis draws and tense and moody picture of the perfect home and family being peeled back secret by secret…Four Stars.”—Romantic Times
If you haven't been lucky enough to read this book, buy it now. Buy several. And, tell a friend. Pass the word.
As I check google reader this morning, I stumble on post after post about Patry and her wonderful book. And the only thing I can think about, the only thing that I want to think about, is what an amazing tribute this is to this "close group" that "cheers each success and cheers each other up when needed."
How right you are, Judy, this little cyber world is a gem, and Patry is a lucky lady.
Patry is an inspiration to so many people. This is a special day for an incredible woman and THE LIAR'S DIARY is a great read!
Kristen, I know, isn't it so great? We're all lucky to get to be part of it.
Lisa, You said it baby!
Today IS a celebration of writing, reading and caring -- in other words, a glorious day in cyberspace!
It's been an honor to help Patry, a wonderful and generous friend to so many of us. That's why I encourage those who have read/loved the novel to "gift" this new edition to yet another friend.
Hi Judy! I just did a google blog search on The Liar's Diary and came up with 400+ posts; this whole effort has been amazing! K.
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