Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering . . .

It's a strange day this morning . . . crisp blue sky, just like 8 years ago. I was teaching that morning, and I still remember my students' faces as they watched the towers fall.


Melanie said...

I think we all remember the beauty of the day, Judy. It seems the weather was gorgeous everywhere that morning, and now that's what we remember first, when we think of that day. How heartbreaking it was that this tragedy took place on such a cloudless, promising morning.

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

I remember the day vividly too. As I loaded my students on the bus, I hugged each one of them. It was the day before their fall break began and there were so many unknowns at 12:15 on that day. I wanted to make sure they had a hug before they got home and learned what had gone on during the day. Our adinistrators directed us to not discuss what had happened in the morning.