Unless they're smart. And funny. Maybe even sassy.
For instance I loved loved loved Fargo.
I appreciated Pulp Fiction.
And my buddy, Joe Konrath, writes a smart, compelling, funny series starring the detective Jaqueline (Jack) Daniels. And they're addictive.

And he's now branching out with his first horror novel, AFRAID writing under the name Jack Kilborn. And as much as I know I'll lose way too much sleep reading this, I also know I won't be able to put it down.

Along with scaring and amusing readers everywhere, Joe's one of the nicest guys in the business. I met him at my very first writing festival and he made me feel like part of "the club." His blog is without a doubt one of the best resources for writers anywhere--if it's not in your bookmarks, it will be as soon as you check it out, I'm sure.
Anyway, let's hear from Joe in his own words . . .
1.) How did you come up with the idea for this book? Are you more driven by plot or by character?
I'm a firm believer that good writers are storytellers, not charactertellers. A story is about conflict, rising action, resolution. That's the essence of narrative structure.
For example, if you take the most compelling character you've ever read, and stick them in a Starbucks drinking coffee for 400 pages, the book will likely be boring.
That said, I think characterization is incredibly important. I write a series featuring a cop named Jacqueline "Jack" Daniels, and part of the reason readers keep coming back is they like the character, and the cast of supporting characters.
So I like to take interesting, flawed, dynamic characters, and stick them in page-turning plots.
As for AFRAID, the story is about a murderous evil that invades a small Midwestern town. It's a military unit, called The Red-Ops, made up of serial killers with commando training. That's the hook.
But it wouldn't be much fun unless that Red-Ops team went after characters that the reader cares about.
It's sort of a tightrope act, making sure there is plenty of action and scares, while also making the characters realistic, compelling, and likable.
2.) Who's your favorite character in this book and why?
There are five Red-Ops, each a different sort of psycho. Santiago is a former South American interrogator. Taylor is a Ted Bundy-like stalker. Ajax is an oversized butcher. Logan is the myterious, creepy type. But my favorite is Bernie, who, like his name, enjoyed burning things.
It's like a super hero team of psychopaths.
As for the good guys, I like Fran, a waitress, single mom, scared to death of the dark, and Ace, an elderly county Sheriff in waaaaaay over his head.
3.) What's your writing process/writing environment like?
I sit my butt in the chair and write. My desk is usually littered with notes, and because I never learned to type, I spend long hours staring at my keyboard.
4.) What's your favorite part of writing?
I love it all. Creating new worlds. Putting my heroes through hell. Writing dumb jokes. Especially writing dumb jokes.
My Jack Daniels series has a lot of humor in it. In fact, CHERRY BOMB (Jack #6, coming out in July) has the funniest scene I think I've ever written, featuring a new character named Slappy.
AFRAID has zero humor in it, and I had a hard time keeping the jokes at bay. With AFRAID I didn't want to give the reader any breaks--there aren't even chapters. No humor, no falling action, no mercy. That was a challenge, but I think it resulted in a damn scary book.
5.) What's the best piece of advice you've ever gotten about writing?
From my wife: You aren't allowed to give up.
I garnered more than 500 rejections before my first sale. That's why my motto is: There's a word for a writer who never gives up... published.
So, there you have it--buy this book. And leave the light on!
I'm not even reading the book yet and I have to leave the lights on. Joe is a great guy and I can't wait to read this book!
You need to buy and read Afraid. The title is exactly right for this book (I have read it already) because that's what you'll be when you read it.
It must be really, really good because most of the time when I read a horror thriller or just a thriller, I can't really tell you much about it when I'm done. But this one, I remember the character names, I remember what happens to them, and I remember almost the whole damn plot.
Oh, and pay attention. EVERYTHING that happens is significant later on.
I continue to enjoy this blog tour very much. In additional to all the great information Joe shares, it is big fun to visit so many blogs I would not likely have found on my own. PLUS, I am almost convinced to try to read the book.
Hi Judy,
Love your blog, beautifully constructed. A great interview with Joe, he’s a humorous guy, with an excellent ability to tell a story that keeps you on edge. I’m looking forward to more horror books from Joe.
Thanks for having me here today, Judy!
Aim, I know what you mean (both about the lights and Joe!). Thanks for stopping by.
Lynn, Thanks for the tip!
Jane, I will if you will.
JBarWriter, thanks. I'm so glad you stopped in.
Joe, my pleasure.
I remember reading Joe's articles in Writer's Digest before I was published--loved them. He really is an incredible source for writers.
Congrats on the newest book, Joe!
(LOL - my verification word is "coments"... that's a little literal for my taste.)
Wonderful interview!
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