Monday, December 15, 2008

Adventures in Wrapping

Today it was cold and icy outside. I chose to stay inside where it was toasty and cozy.

I baked cookies and made chili and wrapped presents which will soon be under the tree (as soon as we put it up).

I love this time of preparation and waiting.

I unpacked all the Christmas decorations yesterday. The day before I started (and came darn close to finishing) our Christmas shopping. Hence the need for gift-wrapping today.

I had a great time this afternoon. The aroma of freshly baked cookies hung in the air, I filled the CD player with Christmas carols (I just love this David Bowie/Bing Crosby rendition of "Little Drummer Boy"), and I sat at the dining room table and wrapped presents.

And you know what?


They are much easier to wrap than anything else. I mean, Macy's rocks, but their boxes are flimsy. And rarely does the item fit as neatly inside as I'd like it to. And then there are the items that don't fit neatly into boxes. So creative taping becomes important. But, books. Oh my. Even my dog could wrap books (and he doesn't have opposable thumbs). And, if you're like me and have to mail some gifts, well, can I just mention that they're a cinch to mail? Okay, I mentioned it.

I've got a slew of books on my wish list. And at least 5 of the folks on my list (and we're cutting way back this year) are going to be the lucky recipients of books.

So, if you're still looking for that perfect gift, wander into your local bookstore and buy bunches.


debra said...

I made bread today, and while it was rising, I had a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup. And I read.
This is comfort at its best:-)

Lisa said...

It sounds like you had the perfect day. And I'm with you on the books! They're the perfect gifts for so many reasons. I was working today, but not so hard that I couldn't finish wrapping presents for the grand kids in between phone calls. Not quite as good as Bing, Bowie and the smell of baking in the house, but it was a pretty good Monday :)

Judy Merrill Larsen said...

Debra--Oh, man, I bet that bread smelled divine while it was baking. And tasted even better. YAY for comfort foods!

Lisa--It was pretty perfect--and glad your Monday was nifty as well.