I have two must-reads to recommend today. I know I'm a week late coming to this party, since these two gorgeous books were released last week (to much fanfare, I might add), but I want to make sure everyone knows about these babies:
Souvenir, by Therese Fowler and Orange Mint and Honey by Carleen Brice.
Carleen, Therese and I have dubbed ourselves The Ballantine Babes (think Charlie's Angels without the guns and hotpants) since our debut novels have all been fortunate enough to find a home with Ballantine. And the BABES moniker fits quite well in some other ways--we were all very new at this and are learning together the lay of the land. And, sending out your manuscript to the world is somewhat like sending your baby off to preschool or kindergarten. It's terrifying and thrilling. I remember feeling like I needed to whisper, "Hey, I love this baby more than you can imagine and I know it's not perfect so be kind, okay?"
Carleen and Therese wrote books that are darn near perfect. They ring true, their writing is lyrical, and I was lucky enough to get to read advance copies and provide blurbs. It made me feel just a teensy bit like the big sister looking out for her younger siblings. Here, then, are the quotes I was flattered to be asked to make for their books:
"In Souvenir, Therese Fowler explores how our choices can both haunt us and heal us, and shows how love, complicated and imperfect though it may be, is the greatest power of all. Riveting, insightful, and written with stunning beauty and grace, this will be the book people talk about in 2008."
“Brice deftly shows the importance and joy of understanding our past and not only forgiving those who hurt us, but loving them in spite of that hurt. Readers of Terry McMillan and Bebe Moore Campbell will find a new writer to watch."
I meant every word of the above quotes. I'd love to shout from the rooftops for these beautiful debuts. So, if you haven't yet picked up your copy (or three!), rush out now. They're in Target, they're in all the bookstores. They're for sale on-line. Spread the love and the word for these babies!
Lovely blurbs, Judy. Looking forward to reading both.
Judy, Our O.B. (Original Babe) Wan Kenobi. You rock! And thanks so much!
I don't have any sisters but if I did have one I'd want her to be just like you! Thanks a bunch!
(Carleen: that's too clever!)
Seth, thanks for stopping by . . .
Carleen and Therese--you're both very welcome. I'm so tickled to have you both here in the bookstores with me. BBs rock!
These are indeed, both excellent reads. I highly recommend them both, not only for the compelling stories, but for the artful writing and unique voices of both of these talented authors. I'm getting ready for a re-read -- slow this time since I tore through them both the first time around!
These sound delicious.
Thanks for the tips! I'm late in choosing my 3 for February picks, and I really need to get out of my house, brave the cold, and get to a bookstore one of these days.
These two are well worth a trip to the bookstore! I'm with Lisa; I've read both but much too quickly! K.
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